Are Microwaves Being Weaponized - And Against Whom?
Frazier Peak Microwave Tower - GeorgeLouis CC BY 3.0
When a 39-year-old engineer repaired a malfunctioning part at a Radar Installation, it was not just another day at the office. Instead, it became a life-changing experience when someone accidentally turned on the power, exposing him to high levels of microwave energy.
Within a few days, his vision blurred to the point he could not read. Then, finally, he saw his doctor at the Sharif Eye Center in Dubai.
On the first eye exam day, his vision tested normal for both near and far. However, he was given a prescription for reading glasses and reassured his problem was nothing more than early-onset presbyopia - commonly known as farsightedness.
Unfortunately, his vision deteriorated, and he returned to the eye doctor one week later. This time his vision measurably dropped in the left eye, and the doctor saw a faint trace of cataracts. Over the next three weeks, both cataracts rapidly progressed to near blindness in the left eye. He underwent cataract surgery, a procedure typically required in much older individuals. Following this, his vision returned but then dramatically worsened again. He returned to Sharif Eye Center, where severe eye swelling - macular edema - was found. After further treatment, this  resolved.
His physician, Dr. Shucri Shawaf, a fellowship-trained Ophthalmologist, published a case report. He wrote, "The timeframe of cataract onset after exposure to the radar high microwave energy and the very unusual rapid progression of this cataract raise the odds of a causative relationship."
Dr. Shawaf reviewed the non-thermal or non-heating damage that microwave energy can produce in human tissues. The damage depends on the absorbed power, which increases with a more powerful transmitter or moving closer to the source.
With the new 5G rollout, the advent of these new high-powered microwave transmitters raises new concerns about these devices' safety and propriety. But, as usual, we have been bombarded with publications and statements from stakeholders that microwaves are safe to use around humans.
However, Dr. Martin L. Pall is a Ph.D. at Washington State University and an expert on non-ionizing, low voltage electromagnetic fields (EMFs), including microwaves. Non-ionizing, low-intensity EMFs affect voltage-gated calcium channels, leading to oxidative tissue damage. In 2015 Dr. Pall published a report in the Journal of Environmental Health outlining the scientific evidence that contradicts the assumptions of the Canadian Safety Panel.
Dr. Pall notes the 2014 Canadian Report considered only the thermal effects regarding safety standards for non-ionizing radiation. However, the non-thermal effects can cause many biological harms not limited to vision and cataracts, including breaks in DNA, cancer, male and female infertility, lowered melatonin/sleep disruption, cardiac changes, tachycardia, arrhythmia, sudden cardiac death, and diverse neuropsychiatric effects.
There is evidence beginning in 2016 that governments have weaponized microwaves to be used against foreign countries - and what better way to target a government's enemies than to use an invisible force like EMF that leaves little evidence but incapacitates the enemy? Scientists suspected such microwave attacks following the curious development of brain damage to various US Embassy employees working in Havana, Cuba. More recently, CIA officials report being stricken on the grounds of the White House. These victims vividly described their ordeals, including the abrupt onset of symptoms co-existent with a directional sound. This 60 Minutes piece is perhaps the most compelling report to date and includes a recording by one of the victims of the sound he heard that marked his attack and resulted in permanent injuries [20:04].
A panel of ten leading brain injury experts investigated 21 US government personnel involved in "directional audible and sensory phenomena."
After extensive testing, including neuropsychological, MRI, and multidisciplinary evaluations, the team found credible evidence that these people sustained injury to widespread brain networks without an associated history of head trauma. Dr. Randel Swanson, Dr. Stephen Hampton, and others working at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Brain Injury and Repair found objective abnormalities in this group, with 86% experiencing visual abnormalities, 71% with balance problems, 76% with cognitive changes, and 67% experiencing disability.
Three suffered moderate to severe hearing loss. 76% suffered headaches. Before the study, another expert panel concluded that the findings were most likely related to "neurotrauma from a non-natural source" and recommended a more detailed investigation – later accomplished at the University of Pennsylvania.
The exposures had many features in common. For example, 86% noticed hearing a novel, localized sound at the onset of symptoms in their homes or hotel rooms. The sound was directional, intensely loud, and with a pure and sustained tone. In addition, 76% described the tone as high-pitched, while 10% experienced a low pitch. The victims described the sound as "buzzing," "grinding metal," "piercing squeals," and "humming." Some (43%) noticed a pressure-like sensation similar to air "baffling" inside a moving car with the windows partially rolled down.
The directional pattern was consistent with the offending agent from a particular location. 57% noticed that the sensation or symptoms reduced or disappeared after changing location. Length of exposure varied, some involving two 10-second pulses, while others perceived a continuous sound for more than 30 minutes. 95% noticed an immediate onset of these symptoms with directional exposure.
In this 60 Minutes interview, one of the victims described how the sound affected not only himself but two of his children [11:28]. When he checked his son, the sound could be heard near the boy’s head, so he cradled him and carried him out of the room to safety [11:59]. He heard the same sound near his daughter’s head and also rescued her [11:48].
Of the symptoms backed up by objective findings in Table 3, more than 67% noticed mental fog manifested by memory and concentration issues. Almost two-thirds experienced concussion-like symptoms, including balance problems and dizziness. In addition, more than half experienced difficulty reading, light sensitivity, and various visual issues.
More than half noticed ringing in the ears - tinnitus - with sound sensitivity. 86% experienced sleep difficulty with either decreased sleep duration, trouble falling asleep, or fatigue. More than half experienced headaches of such severity they needed prescription medication. Balance was so impaired in 81% that referral to a Physical Therapist was necessary.
Critics have suggested that these are all prevalent symptoms and thus cannot prove brain injury or any attack. Some critics have even gone so far as to raise the possibility of a "collective delusion."
However, Dr. Swanson and colleagues note that mass psychogenic illness is different, involving mild symptoms with rapid onset and recovery in older individuals. By contrast, the Havana cohort experienced severe disabling problems with broad age distribution. And rather than seeking time off from work, the Havana group attempted to return to work even when advised against it by their physicians.
While the Pennsylvania researchers found brain injury evidence similar to concussion in the Havana cohort, they also noticed essential differences. While 85% of concussion patients go on to full recovery, most Havana sufferers experience prolonged symptoms. In addition, some Havana patients experienced unilateral, or one-sided ear symptoms later confirmed as unilateral vestibulopathy and central vestibular dysfunction. These one-sided abnormalities are uncommon in concussions.
Subsequently, the State Department commissioned a study led by Stanford University's Dr. David Relman. In addition to those afflicted in the US Embassy in Havana, other US Diplomats and CIA officers experienced similar brain injuries while serving in China and Russia.
Dr. Relman's committee issued a 66-page report to Congress, which was initially kept confidential for some four months before being released to the public.
Released in 2020, this confidential government study presented the most comprehensive analysis of the Havana Syndrome and concluded that it likely resulted from pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy.
"After considering the information available and a set of possible mechanisms, the committee felt that many of the distinctive and acute signs, symptoms, and observations reported by the DOS [Department of State] employees are consistent with the effects of directed, pulsed radio frequency (RF) energy." Relman explained in his 60 Minutes interview that this was likely a focused beam of microwaves fired from a distance [21:08]. These devices currently exist and can be concealed in trailers or suitcases [21:40].
Indeed, one of the victims described seeing a van leaving after he was attacked in the early morning hours [6:24].
Dr. Relman commented on the ramifications of his committee’s finding,
"The mere consideration of such a scenario raises grave concerns about a world with disinhibited malevolent actors and new tools for causing harm to others."
Indeed. Those concerns would be grave if hostile governments were to direct these new RF tools against foreign enemies. Still, it would be unthinkable if this new technology were directed against its citizens - protestors, for example.
Tech Ingredients gave a tutorial on how to defend yourself against microwave weapons.
The narrator explains how these were likely used against recent protestors. He describes how the protestors' injuries are not consistent with an acoustic device or chemical injury but are compatible with a microwave attack.
"The (protestor) injuries are consistent with a microwave attack, and there are weaponized microwave systems designed for whats called LRAD, which is the same series of letters (for long-range acoustic device) but stands for long range area denial; they are built by military contractors, and there's even some websites and youtube videos by some military contractors who produce these systems - Raytheon is one. So they do exist, and it is plausible they may have been used in these these devices are actually used for lightly armed or unarmed civilians; they're used by governments on their own citizens and that's what I find so troubling [2:28]."
He demonstrates the effects of various microwave shields using a fluorescent light bulb. Notably, effective guards can be made from screens or aluminum foil.
Aluminum foil on cardboard seems the cheapest and most effective method to block the signals. However, the most practical solution might be the mylar and aluminum foil poncho that one can easily transport and use to cover one’s head should one experience the tell-tale abrupt sound. Perhaps we could have prevented these CIA employee injuries if we had known and prepared them with such protective garments.
Tech Ingredients aired a sequel video that reviewed additional protective materials, including aluminum embedded fabrics that one can fold up and store easily. These materials may be unfurled and used as protective coverings. He also suggests RF meters that start at about one hundred dollars. Â
Interestingly, the government is now attempting to reverse its 2020 opinion on the potential dangers of weaponized microwaves. First, we see a report in the New York Times published on January 20, 2022, stating, "Most Havana Syndrome Cases Unlikely Caused by Foreign Power CIA Says."
Then we noticed the CIA sources issued a new interim report "ruling out" the idea that a hostile foreign power was behind the (Havana) syndrome. Newsweek reported,
"In hundreds of cases, the agency had found plausible alternative explanations for the symptoms, according to CIA sources who briefed outlets including NBC News, The New York Times, and Politico about the interim assessment."
In the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned that the government narrative is backed by the main media outlets, whether right or wrong. The narrative now appears to conclude that microwaves are safe, as written in the Canadian Safety Report.
However, with the evidence emerging from injuries sustained by US diplomates in Russia, China, and Cuba, as well as the medical journal articles, it is clear that non-thermal microwave injuries are serious and real. If our government needs to steer us away from this fact, it cannot be for pure motives.
Today, US citizens are viewed by our officials as liabilities rather than assets. And it appears that protestors and those scientists who disagree with the "narrative" are more significant liabilities. In addition, those Americans over age 65 who draw Social Security are categorized as liabilities; indeed, their income is considered an unfunded liability.
Now more than ever, Americans need to be vigilant about the motives of a government that seeks to control and muzzle its citizens. Now more than ever, Americans need to question the reason for mandatory vaccinations. And now more than ever, Americans must ask why the 5G rollout of Microwave Cell Towers is unfurling at such a furious pace. With mounting evidence that microwaves are being used as a covert weapon, we must demand this technology be monitored with the utmost oversight and transparency.