Dr. Harvey Risch, one of the world’s most esteemed epidemiologists, has stated that Turbo Cancers represent a new and different type of condition. For example, Dr. Risch explains that the sudden development of colon cancer in a young person with no known family history means that something completely novel is now happening to cause this.
Dr. Harvey Risch is a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale University.
We know that colon cancers usually take decades to develop and begin with an adenomatous polyp. This polyp slowly undergoes malignant transformation under carcinogenic conditions - which might involve insulin resistance, diabetes, damage to mitochondria, an altered gut microbiome, lack of exercise, and an inflammatory diet. The cancer expands to gradually invade the mucosal wall, and then the surrounding tissues and lymph nodes. By the time this all plays out, the person is usually in their 50s or 60s.
In the rare cases of genetic colon cancer, like Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) or Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC), it can occur in young people. However, we are now seeing full-blown non-genetic colon cancers develop suddenly in 20, 30 and 40-year-olds in large numbers which is unprecedented.
Other esteemed scientists, statisticians, and researchers have also sounded the alarm as we notice massive increases in non-COVID death around the globe in the younger age groups of otherwise healthy and gainfully employed individuals. Among these researchers are Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Dr. William Makis, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, and Edward Dowd.
What is killing these young people?
Increasing Turbo Cancers are certainly part of the equation, and Dr. Paul Marik has recently completed his review of the role of repurposed drugs and metabolic therapy in the prevention and treatment of cancer.
Dr. Marik has personally taken the lead in the Repurposed Drug Revolution, and now is launching a study on the use of Ivermectin and other repurposed drugs for the treatment of Turbo Cancers which will in many cases include colon cancer.
With Ivermectin, Dr. Ruddy has observed some amazing results, and this study represents a scientific way - beyond anecdote - to measure Ivermectin’s effectiveness against a variety of malignancies. The observational study will look at the effects of dose, timeline of administration, and response to treatment.
These may include Ivermectin [high or low dose], Mebendazole, Metformin, Vitamin D, Fish Oil, Curcumin, Green Tea, and Melatonin. They may also include sunlight, overnight fasting, a ketogenic diet, and daily resistance or aerobic exercise.
The patients will determine if they wish to combine these with the traditional treatments of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery which have come under heavy recent criticism as being toxic, damaging, and often ineffective.
Dr. Marik explains that it is time for patients to decide which treatments and risks they wish to take, rather than being told what they will do by paternalistic Oncologists.
Marik and Ruddy will both be speaking at a landmark medical conference in Phoenix, Arizona - ‘Healthcare Revolution: Restoring the Doctor-Patient Relationship’ - kicking off today.
As a former Oncologist/Immunlogist, these cancers are absolutely different. I am seeing 2 types in people I try to help. New or de novo aggressive stage 3 and 4 cancers and those arising in those presumed cured after many years. These will NOT respond to any standard therapies because of crippled immunity, made worse with chemotherapy or radiation. I am however, seeing and hearing about responses using various protocols that use IVR and FenBen combinations. Whether Oncologists will uphold their oath and be ethical in giving a treatment where they do not make money off the chemotherapy drugs, well, I'm not holding my breath.
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