Love your wordage and that of Dr. McCullough explaining how time is of the essence right now as these are desperate times and desperate measures must be taken. I have written both Texas Senators and my State Rep and will do so again requiring an answer. Thank you Dr. for all you do!!
Thank you for taking your time to write your Texas Senators and State Representatives. We all need to get involved in our respective states like you. Congratulations for inspiring all of us to do the same! The easy way to address them is to refer to Roguski's Substack Post where he provides a list of emails of each State's Senator's email address. I used his list to email mine. Here is the link to James Roguski's Senate email list:
I'm in Melbourne, Oz and forwarded this seminal article to 3 Aust fed senators/MPs, a local councillor, and my friends (including 3 foreign countries). Goodonya Dr McCullogh! Coming thick and fast, another item: 'G20 Calls For GLOBAL DIGITAL IDs, CBDC and Strict Crypto Regulation'. Lena Petrova, 13'9'23 10min vid. <>
Alan, the world needs more citizens like you and our Marlene McGovern. God Bless you! And spread the word far and wide. Dr. McCullough speaks the truth and is dedicated to seeing this through. We must all join him.
I recommend doing so again and again and requiring a response. I also recommend calling their offices. I think we should storm their staff with such input they will have to pay attention. I for one have become too complacent in the past but this is one thing I stand for.
Thank you. I wrote my newest Substack post covering this. Because of the December 9, 2020 Declaration, the ability to suspend our human rights related to this, and other circumstantial evidence, it seems more likely than not, unfortunately. Thank you for pointing to this.
Love your wordage and that of Dr. McCullough explaining how time is of the essence right now as these are desperate times and desperate measures must be taken. I have written both Texas Senators and my State Rep and will do so again requiring an answer. Thank you Dr. for all you do!!
Thank you for taking your time to write your Texas Senators and State Representatives. We all need to get involved in our respective states like you. Congratulations for inspiring all of us to do the same! The easy way to address them is to refer to Roguski's Substack Post where he provides a list of emails of each State's Senator's email address. I used his list to email mine. Here is the link to James Roguski's Senate email list:
There is a growing roar from around the world to Say NO to the WHO!
I don't recall ever accepting the WHO as my master and savior. I signed on contract nor took any oath. In my view, they are null and void.
I'm in Melbourne, Oz and forwarded this seminal article to 3 Aust fed senators/MPs, a local councillor, and my friends (including 3 foreign countries). Goodonya Dr McCullogh! Coming thick and fast, another item: 'G20 Calls For GLOBAL DIGITAL IDs, CBDC and Strict Crypto Regulation'. Lena Petrova, 13'9'23 10min vid. <>
Alan, the world needs more citizens like you and our Marlene McGovern. God Bless you! And spread the word far and wide. Dr. McCullough speaks the truth and is dedicated to seeing this through. We must all join him.
I don’t see Congress doing anything to stop this.
I don't see congress doing much of anything ever to help us poor slaves.
I emailed my two state senators. One acknowledged receiving my email — probably an auto reply — and no response at all from the other.
I recommend doing so again and again and requiring a response. I also recommend calling their offices. I think we should storm their staff with such input they will have to pay attention. I for one have become too complacent in the past but this is one thing I stand for.
By the way, James Roguski makes it real easy with a complete list and what to say.
Dr. McCullough, news about Marburg disease have been popping-up lately.
Do you think Marburg is really possible ?
Thank you. I wrote my newest Substack post covering this. Because of the December 9, 2020 Declaration, the ability to suspend our human rights related to this, and other circumstantial evidence, it seems more likely than not, unfortunately. Thank you for pointing to this.