The Root of Recurrence: Targeting Cancer's Resilient Core
Announcing Cancer Stem Cell Therapy
Today marks a paradigm shift in the way cancer is treated.
With Dr. Paul Marik’s announcement of the war on Cancer Stem Cells using metabolic and pathway directed treatments, we shall witness the beginning of the end of cancer. No longer will cancer recurrence be the norm. And no longer will cancer remain a leading cause of death.
Just as science tamed infectious disease at the turn of the century with the advent of antibiotics, cancer is now tamed with CSC treatment.
Just as Alexander Fleming’s discovery of Penicillin in 1928 ushered in the era of infectious disease treatment, Dr. Marik’s announcement will usher in the age of CSC treatment.
Dr. Marik began his interview with a scathing critique of the current outdated cancer treatment model based on the genetic theory of cancer. This genetic theory is a failed model and thus treatment based on this model has also failed despite massive spending and investment. He states:
There is overwhelming evidence that this theory is completely wrong. So, if the theory on which cancer therapy is based is wrong, it is likely that the therapy is wrong. And in fact, the data shows that cancer is a heterogenous mass of diverse cells with genetic and phenotypic diversity. And this really undermines the whole Somatic Mutation Theory [38:38].
Instead, the evidence is clear that cancer is driven by metabolic abnormalities propagated through defective mitochondria. Furthermore, once established, cancer can sustain itself indefinitely by regrowing from microscopic and slowly dividing cellular roots, the Cancer Stem Cells or CSCs.
Dr. Marik continued,
Within the population of cancer cells are a distinct population called Cancer Stem Cells, and as we shall see these Cancer Stem Cells are absolutely essential (to cancer’s growth), and it is absolutely essential to destroy these cells to save the patient’s life [39:15].
A Cancer Stem Cell can replicate indefinitely meaning that once the main tumor is removed or radiated away, these cancer stem cells can simply restore it. What has been missing in modern cancer treatment is any attempt to destroy Cancer Stem Cells.
This explains why much of cancer treatment is doomed to fail. Because when these CSCs regrow the cancer, metastases will result. Metastasis is the cause of 90% of cancer-related deaths.
Dr. Marik explains,
What is a cancer stem cell? These cells are self-renewing. They have infinite proliferative potential. They can replicate indefinitely. What is most important about the Cancer Stem Cell - and I’m not making this up - these cells are resistant to drugs and radiation. So essentially the Cancer Stem Cells which make up part of the cancer, are resistant to the medication and therapy which Oncologists provide.
They are resistant. They are resistant cells.
And so, these cells are tumorigenic. They are responsible for the relapse, and they can actually divide and develop into other kinds of tumors. So, the Cancer Stem Cells are responsible for metastases and relapse [39:30].
Dr. Marik describes the fundamental problem of cancer and Cancer Stem Cells using the tree analogy:
In dealing with a cancer, you have to deal with a tree [the visible and main tumor] but most importantly if you don’t deal with a Cancer Stem Cell [the invisible and microscopic roots], you will not cure the tumor, and it will recur [41:25].
Dr. Marik explained that CSC signaling pathways are responsible for the growth of these Cancer Stem Cells, particularly the WNT, Notch, and Hedgehog, and this is now a hotbed of research around the world.
So, this is an editorial in a Clinical Oncology journal. It is basically stating what I am telling you.
“Numerous researchers hypothesize that treatments targeting the Cancer Stem Cell population could be more effective and could dramatically transform treatment outcomes in Oncology.”
In other words, one has to target the Cancer Stem Cells [42:30].
Dr. Marik introduces the CSC protocol which is to be used in concert with standard cancer care [which targets the main tumor bulk]. In this way, both the main tumor [the tree] and the cancer stem cells [the roots] are addressed which ideally will result in the cancer being removed and not allowed to return.
The Chief Scientific Officer for the IMA explains the dual concept of a Limited Stem Cell Protocol and an Aggressive Protocol. The Aggressive Protocol is designed for widely metastatic disease, while the Limited Protocol is crafted with a beginning stage tumor in mind.
The approach is centered on the use of Ivermectin as this has proven to be the repurposed drug that is most active in blocking CSC pathways based on extensive review of the world’s peer-reviewed medical literature with AI’s assistance.
Here is the Limited Stem Cell Therapy Protocol [42:50]:
And here, Dr. Marik unveils the Aggressive Stem Cell Therapy Protocol [45:04].
Dr. Marik summarized the key message in targeting Cancer Stem Cells. This is the message I wish to leave all readers with today.
So, all patients with cancer MUST be treated with a Cancer Stem Cell agent - Even if they are receiving conventional therapy from an Oncologist - which will spare the cancer stem cell. They must in addition - if they want to survive and not relapse - be treated with a Cancer Stem Cell agent [47:00].
Dr. Marik explains that if one uses only conventional therapy such as surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, the cancer will likely return. However, when one eradicates the Cancer Stem Cells at the same time, the cancer cannot regrow.
With conventional therapy you get rid of the cancer, but the stem cell remains, and it grows again. If you use a combination of therapies - you get rid of the stem cell, you get rid of the cancer, and the patient goes into remission [47:25].
A free pamphlet summarizes this, and it is available for download at the IMA website. All patients are encouraged to share this, and all physicians may post this in their waiting rooms.
As Cancer Stem Cell therapy gains traction, fewer and fewer patients will experience recurrence and metastatic disease, and cancer will transform into a curable condition.