Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

I said I agreed with all of the above, but I'll caveat that by saying I think the state's role should also be limited when it comes to enacting/enforcing health care policy, and they will have to be watched like a hawk....

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Excellent observation. Any power the citizens give the government, whether state or federal, must be strictly limited and subject to the utmost transparency. That is not what we have now, where government has looted our treasury, corrupted our banks, bought off our elected politicians, made a mockery of our healthcare, and ruined America's international reputation.

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Sep 11, 2023·edited Sep 11, 2023

And exactly how is that working? George Carlin had it right: the state doesn't give a sh*t about you. You and I can watch till the end of time, but THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You) have the power because we gave away ours. Anarchy is not the lack of rules, but the lack of rulers, and is looking more appealing every day.

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Why are you advertising to me?

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I agree with you. Only a sovereign individual has say over what goes into their body or their children's body.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

Exactly what I think

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THE POLL DOES NOT SEEM TO LOAD ON JAMES ROGUSKI'S CROSS POST. IT MAY BE A SUBSTACK GLITCH. To register your vote, you may click this link below, the original link, and it should load the poll and record your vote. Thank you. I will periodically update all readers in this cross post with the tally. Thanks for sharing! NOW IS THE TIME TO GET OUR VOICES OUT!


JR. Hope MD

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How can I confirm if my vote was accepted? I tapped my selection and immediately the Substack closed. I tried again, and then I tried the link you added above and same thing happened after each attempt.

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Thank you for your patience.

JR Hope, MD

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I fixed the problem by recasting a new poll - same questions. Simply cast your vote on the following link and you should see it recorded along with an updated tally. Thanks for your patience.


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I don't know. I tried again via the new link you gave, and as soon as I lifted my finger I was tossed out of the stack again. I'll see if I can find the original Roguski stack, just in case.

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I am on it. As many times as they choose to glitch this poll, I can repair it. Looks like the votes stopped coming in at around 128. I am writing a new poll immediately.

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I believe the Poll is once again repaired. Click the following link which is "Recast Roguski Poll Number 2" and you should be able to vote and see it counted. Let me know immediately if it should glitch again. Thank you.


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Ok, it may have worked this time. After voting, the page disappeared again, but then it came back showing tallies for each selection. I just did this at 1:57a. Thanks!

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Another Share. Up to 6 shares now. Thank you. Let us share this into the hundreds.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

I wrote to my house rep and asked him about withdrawing from the WHO. There is currently a bill but not enough support for it to bring it to vote. If more people tell their reps they want this passed, that would help!

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Absolutely! This type of poll will help, and with luck can get James Roguski's movement steamrolling.

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I Agree,

We all need to get rid of the totally useless W. H. O who are seemingly behind Big Pharma’s wickedness to bring the world’s people under the yoke of enslavement to Big Pharma’s worldwide Drug Empire of deadly Covid 19 injections and Remdesevire and masks and ventilators to snuff out as many living humans as possible under their wicked Eugenics programmes. These are supported by Bill and Melinda Gates and George Soros and Anthony Fauci et al.

Cheers, Richard Neville. Student of Common Law.

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Richard, you hit the nail on the head. And as a Student of Common Law you will go far in achieving justice.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

The WHO not only wants that slavery treaty signed in May 2024. The UN wants too sieze global powers by September 2024. This is definitely new world Order staging. Overall not sure if people will wake up too this nightmare when it's too late. I've shared all of Mr James Roguski publications on Getter and Gab. Getter seems too like what I've shared. But Gab not so much or still sleeping. I pray too God these evil people are stopped in time

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I also agree with all of the above except "health care is a state's policy."

Keep the state out of it. Individual decision all the way.

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Get rid the the UN, WHO, FDA, CDC etc etc....they are, and have been, part of the money laundering and eugenics schemes to part us from our assets and our lives!!

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

Wow! You have done it and said it again Doc! And I F***ing agree. Sending this to my government reps this morning. What else can we do?

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Good luck with that. You will be lucky to get a response, and if you do, it will be filled with indecipherable rhetoric. It might be effective if every voter did it, but I'm not too sure. I'm past cynical I guess because of my own experiences.

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Rest recover and get back on your horse.

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That's a great idea. I can send to the NC reps and Senate.

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GOT THE POLL GLITCH FIXED. Simply click the new link for "Take the Roguski Poll - Recast Poll" below and register your vote, even if it means defying the Globalists:



JR Hope, MD

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Thank you, and we apologize for the glitch.

JR Hope, MD

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

Thank you for all you do! By the way, I bought your book, and it's excellent!

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

I agree with Free Human below. My State - Maryland - is exhibiting the same evils as the rest. Mask mandates already. While a State being supportive, it should be required to assure citizens have easy access to all the facts, the data, the studies and all medical perspectives, it should not have a right to dictate what each of us will ultimately decide to do!

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Everyone should just not comply. Not only will I not comply, when I see someone wearing one, I stop to tell them how they are hurting themselves and about the newest studies. Usually, they immediately ditch the face diaper.

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If the so called freedom caucus would get off their asses and work on abolishing draconian laws instead of just suggesting that we not comply ........

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Yes. All of us, in a concerted effort, could and should email them all, ring their phones off the hook and blast them with the People's Declaration: to Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, and Chip Roy. And request that Lauren Boebert, Communications Chair issue a Press Release. Immediately if not sooner!

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Just an FYI. The "Freedom Caucus" isn't going to save us. It is up to us to save ourselves. 186 people have voted overwhelmingly in favor of withdrawing from The WHO and keeping our healthcare away from Federal and Global Power. Yet these same 186 people are not willing to so much as share this post. Only 5 did so. I am not saying this to criticize or discourage; rather I say this to illustrate James Roguski's point. Your overwhelming silence is deemed your consent, thus you must do more to make your voices heard.

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I won't say do what I do, it's dangerous. There are other avenues though.

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No, you're still believing in the state. It's up to US.

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I can't believe how many people are agreeing that health care is a state's policy. The state told us to wear useless masks and take a dangerous and ineffective shot. The state shut down the economy and destroyed lives. The state mandates children take vaccines for disease that has treatment and/or has virtually disappeared in order to attend school. I wish people would read the small book, The Law by Frederic Bastiat, the classic blueprint for a free society. Our current society obviously does not cherish freedom as too many are willing to give the state control over their health (and everything else). Look at the health of the people and you see the results. This poll is really disturbing.

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Sep 11, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

that was the one I did not agree with. but agreed with the other 3. the poll needs to be changed to take that out

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Well, you got a point there.

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Normies have been in the dark for decades, closer to a century. Don't expect them to just wake up at the drop of a hat.

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Drop of a hat? We've had major bombs dropped on us in the last 20 years, culminating in the nuclear blasts of the last 3. The ninnies are not normal. They are brainwashed ostriches.

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Well said Nancy!

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I touched one line, thought it might open to something further, I was wrong. It won’t allow me to make another entry, would have said I agree with all.

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