Sep 4·edited Sep 4Liked by Justus R. Hope

Murder. Premeditated murder. That's what withholding treatment with these repurposed drugs amounts to. Nothing less.

Edit: Until the perpetrators ("doctors" ) are prosecuted for murder, nothing will change. Just one such case, even a civil prosecution, regardless of outcome, will put them on notice and help change the landscape.

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The Law isn’t on our side, obviously. But in a just world, you’re right.

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Sep 4Liked by Justus R. Hope

The Riggins lab at Johns Hopkins has done all the preclinical research on fenbendazole. People have applied those outcomes and have done much of the clinical research on themselves https://fenbendazole.substack.com FDA sanctioned “clinical” trials would be designed to fail and suppress fenbendazole and mebendazole.

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Because cancer therapeutics are the biggest money maker for big pharma they will fight this tooth and nail. God forbid they lose their market to repurposed drugs that pay nothing. The FLCCC group is producing a medical journal that could publish the study. We must develop and support parallel healthcare organizations that serve us better than the current model.

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Can you suggest (only looking for suggestions) how to use DMSO prior to radiation? Orally or topically? My husband has radiation (lung) in about 3 weeks…I wanted to do that in advance.

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I am making a documentary film about Cancer that has a significant segment on repurposed drugs. Its proving very difficult to fund it though: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/justinuk/changing-cancer

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What a terrific topic.

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I tried to provide some modest funding but I don’t want to open a kickstarter account. No other options?

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There is also a donate link underneath the video on this page: https://statinnation.com/changing-cancer

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Why hasn't anyone applied for fenbendazole, ivermectin, and mebendazole as new cancer drugs? If their anticancer effects were that significant, they should easily pass Phase III clinical trials.

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The issue is likely funding. Repurposed drugs should be vastly cheaper to test than "novel" drugs but there are few funding sources, this is true for many other conditions that have potential repurposed treatments, an obvious one being the establishment scorn at low carb diets for diabetes. There's a team at Great Ormond Street that's keen on mebendazole, and if you look at their publications they like other repurposed substances as well. Their work is still preclinical but the stated aim is to prepare for a Phase I for childhood AML. https://www.childrenwithcancer.org.uk/childhood-cancer-info/we-fund-research/projects-we-fund/developing-new-safer-treatments-for-children-with-acute-myeloid-leukaemia/

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In the U.S., any therapy using a new active substance, if submitted as a new cancer drug, would automatically receive a five-year market exclusivity from the FDA. If it's a new indication for a known drug, there would be a three-year exclusivity period. This represents a significant revenue opportunity. If there were an effective alternative cancer therapy, it would easily pass clinical trials. If it cannot pass clinical trials, then it is naturally ineffective against cancer. Passing clinical trials would grant market exclusivity and the potential for substantial income.

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I look forward to seeing the progress of this.

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There are cures for cancer that don't involve big pharma drugs. With the modern stone age medical mafia, all we get are cancer drugs, surgeries and radiation which comprise about 10% of the possible cancer cures. Ask your doctor and he will stick out his tongue at you.

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Justin, would you consider talking to some doctors that actually provide alternative options?? they may be interested in one way for patients and also to let people know that they exist and that they have success stories such as mine. I truly believe that my treatments outside of the three chemo treatments I received as opposed to the sixth that were recommended saved my life. Believe it or not Suzanne Summers did extensive research on this and her books on these topics are how I even found the doctor that I use congruently with chemo so I combine the two types of treatments.

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likely the FDA will make it nearly impossible to get these drugs without special exceptions, and create a new drug that they will sell for ridiculous amounts of money. They likely have finally come up with a scheme to commandeer this, but call it something else.

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I get mine from india. It's cheap and gets here in a couple of weeks.

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Treating diseases without drugs can avoid drug harm. 🙏🙏

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Information greatly appreciated. Best Regards

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