As Eisenhower was departing as president, he warned America about the military industrial complex and JFK presented his own version of a warning to America and then "they" killed him. Nixon was unjustifiably vilified. I didn't know the truth about that until very recently.

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Amen Justus, amen!

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Wonderful words!

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Interesting, very good article.

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Beautifully written! Amen!

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Genesis 12:3 " And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

God's promise to Israel. I want to be on that side. If one doesn't believe the Bible, he is his own human judge and jury for all time until "every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord".

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I already tell my children what it was like when we were free.

My boys are becoming men in a time when the majority of Americans choose to carry a pocket computer that they know contains monitoring and tracking software. There are cameras on peoples houses on businesses and on stoplights - constantly recording the activities of the citizens. We communicate through the internet - where every word is is observed and surveilled. These are strange times.

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agree so much!

we two pray daily for revival in our country. And we thank God for the doctors and others whose. eyes were opened and who have fought big govt and big pharma for our freedoms. We also pray their eyes will be opened to God's ways and that He will give them loud voices and big audiences. You are in the group too Dr Hope, we are grateful.

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Thank you Dr. for your commitment to truth. I pray we all try to be Christs hands and feet in this world. We are not our own. By His grace we make a difference.

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I often wonder how many of our politicians truly believed that the Patriot Act was necessary to protect us from another attack after 9/11. Or the freedoms we lost during the pandemic. The Patriot Act was only going to be temporary. Congress has now voted twice to renew it. No where in our Constitution does it say our rights can be suspended "temporarily ". Once we lose these rights they don't come back. For our childrens sake we need to sacrifice our "comfort" for their "freedom".

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I think "them" keeps shifting and it's like trying to hit a moving target while you are blindfolded and riding a horse. Them is quite good at being sneaky little parasites.

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Human rights, constitutions, politicians RFK, this is all about the dying system. You see, we live in an age now where information travels in real time, instantly. We can't be going by old fashioned papers and processes that take an age to get anywhere. We are cutting our own throats by only considering this is the way it has to be. This is the worse way. Forget about looking back. We are in new territory now - nothing has ever been like it is now and nothing in the past will be a guide. We have to think on our toes now. We have to learn to be nimble. This is how we prepare for what's to come.

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Also we have to be suspicious. This massive worldwide Vaccine push and subsequent result of massive deaths has really jilted the world out of our normalcy bias. https://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2023/05/36-million-vaccine-deaths-the-genocide-has-just-begun-video-3793130.html

Next time, it would be something else .....

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And RFK junior supports a genocide in Gaza.

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Daniel, I suggest that you sign up for Amir Tsarfati's Telegram channel. See the videos to get a taste of what happened to people on October 7. If your sister was told to strip naked, get on the ground and spread her legs while a gun was pointed at her, then savagely raped and shot through the vagina up through her head, or, your little sister or brother were taken out of of their homes from their parents and rounded up with other little kids and burned alive as a group, would you fight back or want to negotiate a truce? Do some research to see the history of Israel and what's really going on in the Middle East and who the players are, then you decide who to label pure evil.

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Yes, but the world DID NOT begin on October 7, 2023 (as horrific and inexcusable as the atrocities on October 7, 2023 were). "Israel good, Palestine bad" would be one of the most warped and biased stances that anyone could take.


Also, I hope you are not even indirectly insinuating that Netanyahu is "in the right".


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Do as I say, not as I do has little or authority nor solution, in my book. No matter whom or where or why, subjugation, mass murder is inexcusable. You can cover it over with all the gaslighting or whatever.

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I think he supports whatever is popular at the moment. He is a reed blowing in the breeze. I do like him and I think he can do good things. If only he could grow a spine against those close to him that are extremists. His VP pick says it all. He needed monetary support and he found it in a person his family likes. That says it all. I don’t love Trump but he is financially independent and has had his eyes opened. Perhaps round two he will do better in rooting out the corruption. But, alas, we can only hope. Ultimately God’s will shall prevail and it is perfect.

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What do moral people do when usurpers pretending to be your servants act like they're your masters?

History and HIStory tells you! Our founding docs tell you! Your heart and soul tell you too.

Wait just a minute citizen. Are you a moral people? What have you been silent about?

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