Sep 28, 2023·edited Sep 29, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

I have measured many 4G cell phones (not 5G) and pretty much all of them "max out" the RF readings on any EMF meter just when making a call or using data. So the best I can do so far is to find a "best of the bad lot" 4G phone, always keep data turned off by default except when actually using data, and put it on speakerphone when making calls (or use headphones if possible). The best readings I have seen are when the 700/600 MHz bands go into use on a phone (I have found that the phone needs to support both Bands 71 and 12, not just 12 alone, for this to work)- not only do these bands usually give exponentially lower RF readings on a meter, but they are also much lower frequency than the 1700-2500 MHz range that is typically used for 4G LTE as well as WiFi. BUT just because a phone has Bands 71 and 12 doesn't mean it will actually use them- I have found very few phones that actually use those bands frequently, even among the hard-to-find phones that do support both bands. So in summary, it's tough enough to minimize RF exposure even without 5G.

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There's so much data about the phones now, that the blind remain blind because they love their devices. https://citizensfor5gawareness.org/2023/09/13/where-is-your-smartphone/

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

Regarding 2nd poll.... I do all of the options and don't allow visitors to bring cell phones into the house; they have to leave them behind and turned off. I moved from a place within a 1/4 mile of a cell tower - which killed off my beehives to a place where there is next to no cell signal at all.

I go slowly frantic when I'm in a crowded public place, a fair or some such, where there is lots of signal. It's interesting to watch the behavior of the birds at such a time; they go nuts too.

Is the Oct 4 test real or an urban legend?

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

I only use wired connections in my home, I don't own a "smart" phone only talk and text, the mobile data is always off. I stay away from people who use them, and some even turn there phones on airplane when they see me, I limit my time in wireless areas, I am the canary in the goldmine, I'm electro hypersensitive. My world is growing increasingly smaller yearly.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker is a much older warning about this horror. It is sad that folks have rarely heard or read his book. Worth reading even now.

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Sep 29, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

Is this in the US or Canada too or the whole world?

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Attorney Callender explains two countries including Israel and the US.


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The fema test thing makes no logical sense whatsoever….this same “threat” was spread via social media 2 years ago…nothing happened. All the smart 5g devices are already giving off the radiation continuously anyway bc the towers are continuously broadcasting a signal or the devices would have no service….so what is turning off your devices going to stop from happening if the threat is actually coming from the cell towers ?? Are the devices supposed to be “weaponized” and if so how? Death rays through your smart tv or washing machine? If that’s possible then you should never have any smart/5g device on. what would be different about what they allegedly are going to do on the 4th…it seems like this is a psyop to instill panic and it’s working. Seriously, we need to start thinking logically and stop panicking.

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023Author

Two points:

#1. Attorney Callender notes this is part of the same MO - Modus Operandi - the Globalists have used these past few years, first with the COVID-19 man-made Bioweapon virus, second with the mRNA 'vaccine' which is actually another Bioweapon, and third the Microwave attack on Lahaina Maui. See this link.


They planned Marburg and its subsequent activation with 5G including announcing a Marburg Emergency on December 9, 2020 via a Congressional Act. They added sequences in the designer virus and vax containing Marburg. And they have been steadily building out 5G towers these past few years - with no clear purpose - certainly not for profit or connectivity and not in the Cell Phone Company's corporate interests. And when 5G was rolled out in China in 2019, we saw reports of numerous sudden deaths among the Chinese. This is massive circumstantial evidence. Not absolute proof, but an undeniable and robust pattern of circumstantial evidence. It would be foolish to ignore it.

#2. Mainstream Media has not spun this to generate panic. If this were something designed by the Globalists to falsely instill fear - like the COVID-19 Pandemic - it would be part of the narrative. It is not. This suggests the FEMA test potential danger is being covered up as it is billed as 'routine' test and nothing more.

For both of these reasons, the FEMA test on October 4th is likely not an innocent and routine measure and likely is something far worse.

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This is possible through optogenomics. The 5G frequency triggers a genetic sequencing of latent viral pay loads. Please see Josep Jornet's studies on YouTube. Highly plausible, Jornet is the scientist that developed the Terahertz nanoantennas deployed through the vaccine nanotechnology.

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Thanks for the additional info. But here’s the “thing” no one has addressed and I’d like to have a definitive explanation for: the 5g cell towers are sending out the signals so even in the absence of 5g devices everyone is getting hammered with whatever “they” choose to send out via the towers…right?

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I'm sure the day will go off without a hitch, just like any other day. Silently anointing the next plandemic, Marburg. We'll see.

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If you believe FEMA at https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20230803/fema-and-fcc-plan-nationwide-emergency-alert-test-oct-4-2023 , this is the second time mobile phones were subject to this test. And similar alerts are sent locally for tornadoes and other events. It's not clear to me why this particular test is likely to be any more dangerous than our ordinary routine use of mobile phones. Which is not to minimize the danger of 5G and other signals.

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This is a fair question and Attorney Callender has provided the answer in the interview referenced in the article.

What is unprecedented is the length of the signal - 2 hours continuous transmission - and the broadness of the transmission - hitting all devices including TV, radio, and cell phones. This is truly different than anything done in the past, and the fact it is done with 5G - long used by the military as a weapon - and there are FEMA whistleblowers warning about it makes it unique and potentially ominous.

But don't just take my word for it. Watch the Whistleblower warning yourself -


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For two CREDIBLE sources, to confirm the seriousness of such Demonic/Satanic pre-announcements of intentional harms, like 5G microwave ‘test’ 2-hr BLASTS, just give-a-listen here:




This is quite likely a reason for the smirking smile of BilliumGate’$ after he referred to the NEXT pandemic ... aka: future PLANNED-demic$, SCAMdemic$, PlannedDAMNit$

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What if my devices are not 5g?

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Not sure. But non-5G devices are probably better than 5G. Attorney Callender notes that cell phones are beacons for microwave targeting, and you don't want yours to be a 5G receiver. When 5G was turned on in China, according to Callender, there were unexplained and numerous sudden deaths.


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Even the WHO's Interphone Study admits that brain cancer can be caused by 75 hours of total cell phone useage (albeit the data is buried):


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How do we find out if our cell phone is 5G ?

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Generally speaking, if it is a smart phone and works, it is 5G.

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Justus R. Hope

The older smart phones, basic ones from a few years ago, tend to be 4G. If some phone company has provided it to you FREE, especially in 2023, it's probably 5G. Mint Mobile has phones that go back and forth between 4G and 5G.

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