I have always liked Brand and his unusually clear thinking and way of articulating. And I'm overjoyed that he is saved. 🙏🏼🙌🏼

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Sep 30Liked by Justus R. Hope

Many will suspect that for Brand this is a career move, but he sounds genuine. We are spiritual creatures, and it's perhaps our spirituality that is most threatened by these enemies of humanity.

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Yes. It is our spirituality that is most threatened by these enemies of humanity - And also, it is our spirituality that is most threatening by us to them.

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Sep 30Liked by Justus R. Hope

I attended one of Russells comedy shows and a weekend event which was focussed on meditation, and recovery in 2022/3. Russell was there and was accessible to people. I felt he spoke genuinely and with real care for others. I share his concern for the destruction of Christian values, the break down of family and community and the horrific destruction that is being carried out to fulfil the hegemonic desires of certain factions of people.

Where church leaders should have stood up for the people in 2020 they did what they were told. I was appallled that churches was closed at a time when we needed it the most. 90 plus year old people who told me they had had a long life and were not frightened of a virus (even if it was a slow acting man made bioweapon) and would far rather take their chances with that and carry on seeing their friends and family for the time they had left.

They were not even give the choice.

The Christian churches failed apart from a few ministers and the leaders should expect no more than to be ousted by those who have genuine faith and beliefs.

If we need an action plan it should be to the the very opposite that the parasite class want: support each other, rebuild community, take back control of education; reinstill Christian values; restore pride in nations and encourage all nations to develop.

Whilst things look bad and may be bleak it doesn't have to be that way and the future can be amazing indeed.

(PS thank you for your Curing Cancer and Covid book I have tried to tell as many people about it as possible!)

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Very true! And thank you for your appreciation!

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Sep 30Liked by Justus R. Hope

Thank you for this! I can't believe how many naysayers there are even amongst Christians, always having to doubt or critique. Have people lost the ability to be happy for others, to have joy, to be positive and rejoice when another one is brought into the fold? It appears the covid Karens gave way to the Debbie downers. No one, absolutely No One, knows where we are in history or how the future will play out. There are interpretations but that is opinion. Our job is to work til He comes.

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Hallelujah and Amen!

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Sep 30Liked by Justus R. Hope

Russel has 2 million subscribers on Rumble--as well as nearly 7 million on YouTube.

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With utmost respect, I have to say my red flags are up. Jesus taught that the kingdom of Heaven is within you, to seek it FIRST, through meditation (the single eye...take no thought...you take away the key of knowledge because you do not enter within yourselves, etc). Jesus called the scribes and Pharisees (church leaders) vipers and hypocrites. The Bible is not a history book, it’s a holy, spiritual book written in mythology so as to be relevant at any time, throughout the Ages. Jesus is crucified at Golgotha, (in the Skull). It’s all about raising our consciousness (resurrection from the dead flesh) and meeting Jesus in the air (3rd state of consciousness), being baptized by the fire (spirit which is 4th state), then receiving the new mind (5th state), ascension, Christ hood. (Christ is born in you, the hope of glory). Jesus asks, “why do you call me Lord, yet not DO what I tell you to to?” “The kingdom does not come with observation...It is within you [already]”. He says, “seek it, find it by “keep[ing] my words”. (Doing the things as he teaches). The church denounces anyone from these things. There is nothing new under the sun. Amen 🙏

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....this sounds like cultism mixed with truth to me.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30

A few things correct and others way off. Scriptures (as originally written) is HIStory, Prophecy, AND how to live a good and worthy human age life, according to THE RULE MAKER / CREATOR.

If one is to get nothing else, it's in part biographical of THE ONLY ONE WAY ONWARD through THE LAW which nobody did completely except THE PROMISED ONE; What happened before human age creation, during its early days, HIS ancestors' successes, failures, who and what they encountered, HIS POWER foretold then proved, what the coming grand finale will be, and then into the next age. The scriptures are an extremely brief summary considering it covers a bit before human age, why they were created, that entire age, and beyond that. Even so, how few get through it and understand the textual levels?

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Nice name✌️

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Appreciate your post 🙏🏻

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More distraction to take us off our true path which is going within oursekves abd gettubg out of the addiction of looking for outside sources to do it for us. We are the manifesters, so why dally with sidetracks? These famous people really are anotehr genre and are not real. You can never talk with them, they will never know your name. All we know of them is what is reported. You can't know if they are involved in despicable acts because anyone can be good while the cameria is running. We need to look to our own circles but first inside and learn to love ourselves after eons of being pummelled by authority and public figures.

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Perhaps we should look at what is good rather than engaging in suspicion, condemnation, or criticism.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Philippians 4:8

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this comment is just my subjective impression ....tucker and kamala harris laugh histarically at nothing funny,,, russell seems insincere to me and has an air of self importance ...i cant watch any more ... im sorry for my seemingly offensive comment ,no offence intended ... good God help us all

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Perhaps we should look at what is good rather than engaging in suspicion, condemnation, or criticism. As the Apostle Paul - formerly Saul of Tarsus - wrote:

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Philippians 4:8

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Oct 1Liked by Justus R. Hope

really true, i should have that attitude always so help me good God, and enlighten my /our darkness...

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