AI Targets Your Cancer - CSC's are Crushed with Ivermectin-Based Protocol
Matching Your Cancer Type to CSC Pathway Blockers

Today Dr. Marik and I team up to bring you our latest and best Cancer Protocols.
These are customized to address specific CSC growth pathways.
As background, Dr. Paul Marik and I have been collaborating on this Cancer Stem Cell Project these last six months, and we announce our adjunctive protocols for Limited Disease and Aggressive Disease. These can be done with your doctor’s supervision and IN ADDITION to standard cancer care.
But before we unveil our two CSC protocols, allow me to share what we have discovered:
The Top CSC Blocker Repurposed Drugs & Supplements
In the Rankings, which involve all the available accumulated evidence on Cancer Stem Cells worldwide, over the past decades, we consistently see the most powerful evidenced-supported CSC blockers emerge as
#1. Ivermectin
#2. Curcumin
#3. Sulforaphane
#4. Doxycycline
#5. Green Tea
I. Why Cancer Stem Cell Treatment Will Change the Face of Cancer Care
By way of review, CSCs are the roots of cancer, and the tumor should not regrow following initial treatment if the Cancer Stem Cells are sufficiently reduced at the time the main tumor is removed.
Targeting CSCs is not common practice these days.
Targeting CSCs requires blocking their Growth (signaling) Pathways
Each Cancer has different CSC Signaling Pathways, and today we will detail each of 17 different cancer type’s specific signaling Pathways.
We will also list which combinations of repurposed drugs most effectively target each Pathway.
Armed with the knowledge of the Number 1,2,3,4,5, Signaling Pathways a cancer uses to reconstitute or regrow itself, and then blocking ALL those CSC Pathways should prevent the cancer from returning once it has been eradicated with surgery, chemotherapy and/or radiation.
There are more CSC pathways to block than the main three that I detailed in the above tree illustration contained in my book in 2020: WNT, Notch, and Hedgehog. Today, Dr. Marik and I consider the top seven CSC pathways:
The Importance of Early Treatment with CSC Signaling Pathway Blockers
As the tree-illustration suggests, these are signaling pathways that the tumor relies upon to regrow itself when under attack.
Just as a virus attempts to circumvent an anti-viral agent through its mutation mechanism, tumor masses use their microscopic CSCs to escape the radiation beams and chemotherapies by running away to the far corners of the body for the tumor to live another day.
This is the day when it returns through metastases. It logically follows that if one blocks the seven major CSC signaling pathways at the time of early treatment with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation, the CSCs cannot return to survive another day.
I know of no Oncologist today who uses Anti-CSC therapy.
This must and will SOON change especially since the necessity is obvious to AI, Dr. Marik and any physician who bothers to read the medical literature.
The current DISMAL standard cancer treatment of Surgery/Chemo/Radiation produces DISMAL Results because it neglects the CSCs.
Current Cancer Treatment without CSC Blockers = Recurrence + Metastases
Cancers involving the lung, brain, pancreas, colon, breast and prostate return in most cases - unless a CSC blocking protocol like Dr. Marik’s is added.
And these cancers return with a vengeance - often in a resistant to treatment form.
These are the “Palliation Only” cancers - the most dreaded types - to which I allude: Colon, Gallbladder, Pancreatic, Liver, Prostate, and Lung: See Below:
Future: Cancer Treatment + Early CSC Blocker Treatment = Cure [no metastases]
In the future for most patients, and for my readers NOW, and always under the supervision of their Integrative Oncologist, or an understanding and cooperative Family Physician, adding EARLY targeted CSC blocking therapy should turn these results around. There will come the day when we witness the majority of cancers NOT returning.
And that will mean no longer having to deal with horrible surprise relapses after being led to believe “they got it all.”
All but the CSCs of course.
And without properly blocking these microscopic CSCs early with the compounds soon to be discussed, the cancer will usually return.
Prevention is indeed the best solution and nowhere is this truer than by targeting CSCs early and aggressively with a proper repurposed drug/supplement combination.
The more CSC growth pathways blocked against the specific cancer’s CSC drivers and the more agents employed, in general, the better the CSC eradication. And do not forget, cancer is a metabolic disease, so the dietary changes must also me made. For more information on diet and cancer, see this article.
Learn the CSC Pathways of Your Cancer & Block Them:
Let us take the example of Colon Cancer. I have a few dear friends whose lives were lost due to this terrible disease.
Here is an AI listing of the various pathways Colon Cancer uses to grow CSCs.
Notice that Colon Cancer uses the three Major CSC Pathways discussed in my book, Surviving Cancer, COVID-19 & Disease: The Repurposed Drug Revolution. The Big Three are:
These are three major ones used for CSC signaling, renewal and growth.
While my book was published in 2020, I found these CSC Pathways only after reviewing and digesting many hundreds of PubMed studies.
And today Dr. Paul Marik and I add four more, all ranked with the help of AI.
Here are the Top 7 CSC Growth Pathways:
The Top Ten CSC Blocking Agents that Stop These Pathways:
Now, allow me to list the AI Top 10 CSC Blocking Repurposed Drugs and Supplements ranked by how many of the seven CSC Pathways they block.
It goes without saying that EVERYONE should have all these at hand, either in their kitchen or medicine cabinet. Now. Before the problem occurs.
These include four common prescription drugs: Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Mebendazole.
These also include six common supplements: Curcumin, Sulforaphane, EGCG, Resveratrol, Omega 3 Fatty Acid (Fish Oil), and Vitamin D.
Here is AI’s ranking of these and the CSC pathways they suppress:
Now notice Ivermectin, as all readers should know by now, is AGAIN ranked #1 both by AI and by Dr. Marik in its CSC blocking activity.
Allow me to give you a preview of the World Authority on Repurposed Cancer Drugs, Dr. Marik, and his new Slide Presentation on CSC blockers. Dr. Marik and I teamed up to bring you an Ivermectin/Doxycycline-based Anti-CSC repurposed drug protocol.
Why Doxycycline? Because evidence shows that the combination of Doxy/Vitamin C can work synergistically to eradicate 90% of Cancer Stem Cells. Dr. Marik calls this a “game changer” because patients no longer need to travel to IV clinics to get infusions of Vitamin C. The oral dose of 2 grams is sufficient to oxidize cancer stem cells that have been pre-treated with low-dose Doxycycline.
Here is Dr. Marik’s preferred ranking of CSC Blockers - contained in his slide presentation - and their associated driver pathways:
Example #1: Colon Cancer Specific Growth Pathways & CSC Blocker Drugs:
A. Colon Cancer Case without CSC Blockers
Allow me to discuss the example of a patient with colon cancer where a polyp was discovered after an overdue colonoscopy.
The polyp biopsy was positive for adenocarcinoma. The patient underwent partial colectomy and was diagnosed as Stage 2/3. He was told that they “got it all.”
He was given one year of chemotherapy, and he did well. He returned to work within a couple of weeks following surgery and had minimal trouble with chemotherapy side effects.
The patient was informed through a book about the necessity of CSC blocking agents, but did not use them - possibly because they were not endorsed by his treating Oncologist. He was informed of the need for a low glycemic ketogenic diet but declined - possibly because he believed “they got it all.”
After 14 months had passed, the patient found a suspicious lymph node in his groin.
A PET scan revealed metastases involving his liver, spine, ribs, and pelvis.
Within 8 weeks he transitioned to Hospice Care.
B. Colon Cancer Case with CSC Blockers:
First, identify the CSC Driver Pathways of Colon Cancer. From the AI ranking below, they are primarily WNT, NFkB, and Notch.
Top CSC Growth Pathway Drivers in Colon Cancer:
#1. WNT [Blocked best by Ivermectin, Curcumin, Sulforaphane, Doxycycline]
#2. Notch [Blocked best by Curcumin, Doxycycline]
#3. NF-kB [Blocked by Curcumin, Resveratrol, EGCG]
Second: Identify Agents that block WNT, Notch, and NF-kB based on the above listing:
A Different Clinical Result Would Have Been Likely if the CSCs Had Been Blocked:
In my opinion and based on the literature, had the above patient begun the Ivermectin-based Six-Drug protocol at the same time of his partial colectomy, he might be alive and well today without any metastatic disease.
Cancer stem cells cannot grow if you block their ability to signal.
That is because these six compounds could have prevented the CSCs from growing and spreading.
Example #2. Prostate Cancer Specific CSC Pathways & Blocking Drugs:
Let us take another example, that of Prostate Cancer.
First look at the CSC Driver Pathways of Prostate Cancer. As you can see from below, the top three drivers are Notch, WNT, and Hedgehog.
Prostate Cancer is Notch driven, but the other pathways noted also help grow CSCs.
Top CSC Growth Pathways in Prostate Cancer
#1. Notch [Blocked best by Curcumin, Doxycycline and Vitamin D]
#2. WNT [Blocked best by Ivermectin, Curcumin, Sulforaphane and Doxycycline]
#3. Hedgehog [Blocked best by Ivermectin Curcumin, Mebendazole]
Second, Identify the main compounds that block Notch, WNT, and Hedgehog based on the above listings. Here they are:
Vitamin D,
Let us do the same analysis for Glioblastoma:
Example #3: Glioblastoma Specific CSC Pathways & Blocking Drugs:
First, identify the top three CSC drivers of Glioblastoma. From the above AI chart, they are P13K/AKT, NF-kB, and Hedgehog.
Top CSC Growth Pathways in Glioblastoma:
#1. P13K/AKT [Blocked best by Metformin, Ivermectin, Resveratrol]
#2. NF-kB [Blocked best by Curcumin, Resveratrol, EGCG]
#3. Hedgehog [Blocked best by Ivermectin, Curcumin, Mebendazole]
The only drug/supplement that blocks them all is Ivermectin. Unfortunately, in vitro studies show it does not significantly cross the blood-brain barrier. However, Hedgehog is an active pathway and Mebendazole is an excellent blocker of HH. So Mebendazole could replace Ivermectin here.
Second, identify the main blockers of these three pathways [P13/AKT, NK-kB, and Hedgehog]:
Ivermectin [Due to BBB issues, the main repurposed drug here would be Mebendazole]
One must keep in mind that certain combinations such as EGCG extract and Curcumin can be hepato-toxic in rare cases, so your doctor should monitor your liver function tests when using either Curcumin high bioavailability or EGCG extract over 800mg per day.
But more on this later.
I have done this analysis for 17 different cancers. Here is a summary of the CSC Growth Pathways for the first six tumor types:
A Simpler CSC Solution by Dr. Marik:
Dr. Marik decided to make this much easier by providing two CSC Protocols for all cancers:
#1. Protocol A for Limited Disease.
#2. Protocol B for Advanced Disease.
In the following sections, I shall unveil and announce both of our new protocols including dosages, potential interactions, and safety precautions as well as presenting the CSC Growth Pathways for the other 12 cancers I analyzed.
If I happen to not cover a specific cancer type you are interested in, please mention this in the comment section, and I will be happy to add the Specific Pathway Information and Top Blocking Agents similar to the above three examples for the requested cancer. This will enable you to identify the main pathway drivers of that particular cancer and the top AI ranked pathway blocking agents.
In addition, I shall display the results of AI’s analyses of Various Cancers [Including Prostate, Head & Neck, and Lymphoma] and how powerfully various repurposed agents reduce their chance for metastatic spread whether minimal, moderate, or substantial based on the evidence.
Before we get to the CSC Protocols, here are the 7 Main CSC Driver Pathways for each of the 17 Cancer Types analyzed:
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